Saturday, December 29, 2007

Katy had her first real experience with snow. First Brett took her out and they played for a good hour or more, then Kristy took her out and played again for a good hour or more. Finally at 9:00 p.m. we dragged her into the house kicking and screaming. Needless to say, we can't wait until the next snow fall....for Katy's sake!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

This is Katy wearing Kristy's shoes. This is a new fettish that Katy exemplifies especially at any store where there are shoes. She insists on trying on every single pair that fancy her...including the ones with tacky cartoon characters, and of course throws a tantrum when it is time to go.

Kristy has been taking a beginning drawing class that she enjoys thoroughly and can't wait until Katy is occupied with something else so she can get to work with her pencil, ruler, and of course the eraser!!!

This picture is called a three-point perspective drawing from a worm's eye view. It is also one of the few assignments she got excellent remarks for. It is the Washington D.C. temple.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hi, this is from a visit to Shanandoah National Forest. I hope I spelled that right. Well, I hope we can keep this current. It's nice to be part of the cool group of bloggers!